Posts Tagged ‘rent rises’
Everygender, the Jugs Everygender’s Vision, (top right) The Avenging Vessel, (bottom left) both jugs 43×32 (incl handle,) x 27 cm Photo: Sylvain Deleu Everygender, comprised of four jugs, tells a pictorial story of my expulsion from Ceramic Art London in 2022 based on the Medieval Morality Play, ‘Everyman.’ Everyman, (1530) ‘Everyman’ is thought to have…
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Wedding Procession, 2011 .Wedding Procession, 2011 82h x 49w cm Private Collection Photo: Sylvain Deleu A Memorable Event Wedding Procession records the Royal Wedding of 2011, the marriage of Prince William to Katherine Middleton, as she was then. It took place in May that year and was memorable for reasons beyond the expected ones. Firstly,…
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