Projects Past and Present

And the Door Opened

‘And the Door Opened,’ is a collection of pots, made in partnership with women@thewell, (w@tw,) a women-only service, based in Kings Cross, that provides support to women in prostitution and also those at risk. The pots illustrate the lives of the women they work with, based on accounts provided by the women themselves. w@tw also provides support to women wishing to exit the sex trade and helps them to overcome the barriers they encounter. The pots in this group represent accounts of both exited survivors and those still involved in prostitution.
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Feminist and Campaigning Pots 2019-date

Feminist and Campaigning Pots 2019 – date In response to the rising tide of feminism, I am revisiting the agit-prop style of pots that I was making in the 1980s and early 90s. Mind Your Language, 2021, series 2 Series 2 challenges the political arguments posited by sex workers rights activists. If a Woman is…
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Allegorical, 2017 – date

Allegorical, 2017 – to date Circus Acts, 2021 ‘Circus Acts,’ imagines Gender Identity Ideology as a Circus. Whipping them up are the Circus Masters at Stonewall and the Gender Identity Development Service, (GIDS,) followed by the police, the judiciary, the Bank of England, academia, all the main political parties, numerous charities, and the activists wielding…
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Observational 2017 – to date

This group of pots depict elements of my life: a day out at Margate, sledging in Tottenham where I now live, a frosty dawn where I grew up, and my home and international family reconnecting during the shared experience of the first year of Covid.
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Satirical Jugs 2015-to date

Satirical Jugs 2015-to date Ballad of Sister Bergdorf, 2018; (anon) A Pilgrim pot, so called because it takes its form from the leather bottles carried by pilgrims, is decorated in the manner of Renaissance manuscript. The ballad on the other side tells of Pilgrim who had a vision on the road to an unknown destination.…
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An Extraordinary Turn of Events, 2011-12

An Extraordinary Turn of Events 2011 – 12 Chronicles some of the major events, both national and international, that occurred during the years 2011 and 2012. Exhibition image: ‘An Extraordinary Turn of Events,’ Francis Kyle Gallery, 2012. Pageant, 2012 ‘Pageant,’ remembers the procession of boats that drifted down the Thames, through cloud and rain, to…
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History Painting Pots 2013-14

History painting pots – 2013 – 14 Ararat to Albania ‘Ararat to Albania’ honours the lives of three British women: Dr. Elise Maud Inglis, (1864-1917,) Mrs Mabel St. Clair Stobart, (1864-1952,) and Sergeant Major Flora Sandes, (1856-1956,) all of whom worked with the Scottish Women’s Hospitals, founded by Dr. Inglis, in 2014, on the Balkan…
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Monochrome Pots, 2016-to date

Monochrome Pots, 2016 – to date Bugger Porcelain, 2017 Bugger Porcelain was made in response to a short report of a legal case concerning an outstanding collection of Chinese porcelain, assembled by a British diplomat during his years in the Far East. The porcelain seemed to have a life of its own and was threatening…
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Pots as Chronicles 2013 – 14

Pots as Chronicles 2013-14 Nightwalker, 2014 ‘Nightwalker,’ depicts London by night seen through the eyes of Hossein, a Kurdish-Iranian refugee, and coloured by my image of London and my conversations with Hossein. The city has become a fairground for religious fanatics, political criminals, and colourful protestors. The fairground features Anjem Choudhary as the transvestite stripper,…
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Claudia Claire Princess Hymen Showcase

Shattered 2007

Five giant sized, broken and mended pots made in response to women’s accounts of surviving male sexual violence, 2004-7.
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Remembering Atefeh Vase

Remembering Atefeh 2013

Atefeh Rajavi Sahaaleh, (1987-2004,) was a girl from a small town, Neka, in Northern Iran. Her mother died when she was a small child and her father was an addict and neglected her.
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