We’re Women!
We’re Women!
Tangled into her hair are a collection of words commonly used to describe women exploited in prostitution. When asked by a TV reporter what word she most disliked, Fiona Broadfoot, sex trade survivor and abolitionist campaigner, replied, ‘Sex Worker.’
“What word DO you want to be called, then?”
‘WOMEN! We’re Women!’ she declared.
Large, deep pinch pot, in earthenware and black Earthstone, coloured slips and sgraffito drawn line. Underglaze colours added after the first firing, then clear glazed with gold lustre on the rim.
38cm diam x 12cm deep.
Signed and dated, (2022)
This piece was shown in ‘Feminist Satire, No Safe Spaces,‘ Contemporary Art Centre, Warsaw, 2023, (catalogues in English and Polish,) and an earlier version was show in the San Francisco, in ‘Nasty Piece of Work,‘ 2023.
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